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All the contents of the web site’s Blog, except for comments, constitute my opinion alone; they do not represent the views and opinions of organizations, businesses or institutions I am part of.

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To avoid being indicted of plagiarizing, I have cited references were possible, if there is any material in this site in any form (media) which might be yours and if you want to remove that content or cite reference to that content, I will do it within 60 days, if you let me know about it through email (spraj14@gmail.com) with the mail subject “Disclaimer”.

This web site accepts no responsibility for and excludes all liability in connection with browsing this web site, use of information or downloading any materials from this web site, including but not limited to any liability from errors, inaccuracies, omissions or misleading or defamatory statements.

This web site is not liable for translation or interpretation of content in a language other than English, nor is this web site liable for its use of grammar or punctuation.

This web site is not responsible for the content of any comments made by the Commenter(s). This web site is also not responsible for knowing whether the content of a comment is breaking the law in other countries or jurisdictions. This web site is a venue for discussion; therefore, I will not delete critical comments, or comments portraying a different opinion from the mine. However, I reserve the right to delete, or not publish a comment if this is deemed to be potentially offensive or illegal (this includes, but it is not limited to comments containing hateful and defamatory content). Comments intending to advertise and/or off-topic (”SPAM“) will be deleted. I also reserve the right to block Commenter(s) who have previously published offensive comments, illegal content, or SPAM.

By posting or contributing content and/or comments (including but not limited to Blog comments), you are granting this web site a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide license to use your content and hidden electronic data, including, without limitation, the rights to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate and reformat your content, and/or to incorporate it into a collective work.

Although I will try to moderate comments quickly, I will not guarantee to the Commenter(s) that their comments or trackbacks will be displayed promptly, without modifications, or that they will be displayed at all, as I have the discretion to publish all the comments.

Thank you.